TCF vs TEF: French Language Proficiency for Immigration or Citizenship Canada?

As dedicated French tutors, we have successfully guided over 80 students from diverse backgrounds and ages in preparing for the TEF exam.
Some students approached us after facing challenges in previous attempts, and we helped them identify specific areas for improvement.
Together, we examine these gaps in knowledge. We also help our students understand the test format and develop strategies to excel.
Many of our students have seen significant progress, with some achieving a C1 level in certain sections! We encourage you to contact us to explore how we can create a personalized program that meets your needs and helps you succeed!
But let's see the difference between the two tests you could have to gain more points for your immigration process: the TEF and the TCF.
First, there's no one easier than the other : it depends on the candidate.
We will be there to advise you one or the other closer to the time you are ready.
Depending on the case for immigration purpose, you might need B1 or B2 level for each category:
Reading Comprehension,
Listening Comprehension,
Written Expression,
Oral Expression.
**Test d'Évaluation de Français (TEF)**
The Test d'Évaluation de Français (TEF) Canada is a key assessment of French language proficiency, essential for individuals seeking Canadian citizenship. The immigration process requires candidates to complete all four sections of the test.
The TEF (Test d'Évaluation de Français) is available in an online version known as the e-TEF, which allows candidates to take the reading, writing, and listening modules on a computer at designated test centers. However, the number of candidates for the e-TEF is limited due to infrastructure capabilities.
The structure of the e-TEF is as follows:
_ Written Comprehension (Reading) : 60 minutes - 50 questions (300 points).
_Written Expression (Writing): 60 minutes - 2 topics (450 points).
_ Oral Comprehension (Listening): 40 minutes - 60 questions (360 points).
_ Oral Expression (Speaking): 15 minutes per candidate - 2 subjects (450 points).
**Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF)**
The Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF) is a vital assessment tool for individuals demonstrating proficiency in the French language, particularly those applying for Canadian citizenship.
The TCF Canada exam consists of 78 items that test listening and reading comprehension.
All questions are multiple-choice, requiring candidates to select the correct answer from four options.
_ Listening Comprehension: 39 items (35 minutes) - All multiple-choice questions.
_ Reading Comprehension: 39 items (60 minutes) - All multiple-choice questions.
_ Written Expression: 60 minutes - 3 tasks.
_ Oral Expression: 12 minutes - 3 tasks.
There are many more mock tests and online training for the TCF than for the TEF.
But guess what? For all our students following our immigration program, we offer 50% off PrepMyfuture during your learning. For a year, you will have additional exercises (hundreds and hundreds!) and lessons specific to the TCF or TEF! A saving of more than $50!
Prepmyfuture is the official app to prepare the language exam, made in France it's an useful tool you will love!
Contact us to know more how we work and set up a free online e-meeting!